Dissemination Activities of Jean Monnet Chair in EU Money Law (EUMOL)
(20 September 2021). In-person roundtable: Le opportunità della blockchain e degli smart contract nei rapporti commerciali. The event was organized by EUMOL Jean Monnet Chair and the Ordine dei Giovani Dottori Commercialisti e Contabili della Toscana (professional organization gathering all young accountants of the Tuscany). The attendants may join the event in person reserving a seat in room or remotely. Dr Gimigliano intervened as a speaker and as the chair of panel session.
(17 March 2022). In-person Roundtable: Developing Legal Skills: EUMOL Experience and the Teaching Challenges Ahead. The aim of this roundtable is to discuss the teaching method used and the teaching activities delivered by EUMOL project in order to improve the teaching proposal in the future. The event was addressed to all student community of the University of Siena and, above all, to the bachelor and master degree students to whom the EUMOL teaching activities were addressed. Dr Gimigliano intervened as panelist, together with Dr Marta Bozina Beros (EUMOL key teaching staff member) and Prof Patrizia Vigni (chair of the teaching committee for International Accounting and Management at the University of Siena). A small group of bachelor and master degree students of the University of Siena chaired the panel and managed the discussion.
(18 March 2022). Virtual Launch of the Elgar Law Commentary on PSD2, by Edward Elgar, co-edited by Gabriella Gimigliano with Marta Bozina Beros (key teaching staff member of EUMOL project). Dr Gimigliano intervened in the discussion together with the co-editor. The panel was comprosed by Prof Sebastian Omlor, Prof Alessandro Palmieri, Dr Susanne Grohè, Dr Dirk Haubrich (replaced due to health problems by Ms Larisa Tugui, European Banking Authority).
(27 April 2022). In person Roundtable: Dialoghi su PSD2 e Fintech: dal piano europeo al diritto interno with a view to analysing how the harmonisation process for payments and fintech (applied to payments) changed and is still changing the Italian legal system. This roundtable saw the participation of Dr Gabriella Gimigliano, who opened the discussion, Prof Vittorio Santoro (key teaching staff member of EUMOL project) who intervened as chair of the panel, and four invited speakers, namely, Costanza Iacomini (Bank of Italy), Francesca Provini (Bank of Italy), Prof Giovanni Battista Barillà (University of Bologna), Prof Simone Mezzacapo (University of Perugia). The attendants could join the meeting in-person and remotely.
(31 May 2022). In person Roundtable: Thinking of EUMOL and beyond. The panel is chaired by Dr Gabriella Gimigliano; the panelists are Ms Rosa Giovanna Barresi (lawyer), Dr Andreas Rahmatian (University of Glasgow), Mr Nikita Divissenko (EUI), Dr Alessio Bartolacelli (University of Macerata), Maria Elena Salerno (Uniersity of Siena), Giovanni Romano (University of Siena), Ciro Corvese (University of Siena).
(3-4 November 2022). In-person Book Launch: Money Law, Capital, and the Changing Identity of the EU, edited by Gabriella Gimigliano with Valentino Cattelan (EUMOL key teaching staff member). The book is published in September 2022. Confirmed Guest Speakers: Irene Mecatti (University of Siena), Giovanni Romano (University of Siena), Nikita Divissenko (EUI), Andrea Castillo Olano (University of Zaragoza), Christos Gortsos (EUMOL key teaching staff member), Georg Ringe, Patricia McCoy, Guido Ferrarini, Prof Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi; Maria Cecilia del Barrio Arleo; Alessio Bartolacelli; Federico Lupo-Pasini, Waltraud Schelkle.