EU Money Law Course

Lectures (40 teaching hours per year), taught in English, addressed to graduate and undergraduate students. Compulsory course.

Course Instructor: Dr Gabriella Gimigliano, EUMOL Jean Monnet Chair holder

Objectives of the course: This course aims to make the students familiar with EU law for money and payments, analysing the development of harmonisation process for payment, since the first Commission’s
recommendations and communications, the contract for payment services in the 2015 Payment Service Directive (PSD2), the protection of personal data and the ADR procedures ex PSD2.

Study materials uploaded on moodle platform.

Main topics:

  1. Introduction to the course: background, goals, teaching tools and class organization;
  2. Money, payment instruments, payment services and payment systems: law and economics approach;
  3. The evolution of the European harmonisation process in the construction of an internal market for payments; sources of law;
  4. PSD2 and the framework for the contracts on on the provision of payment services: the contracting parties (the payment service providers and the payment service users); the object (i.e., the
    payment services); the type of contract (contracts for single payment transaction and framework contract); duties and obligations of the contracting parties;
  5. Bitcoins and other virtual currencies;
  6. Fintech developments.